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Image by Alexander Tsang

W. L. Neill Ministries, Inc. was incorporated under the Non-Profit Laws of the State of NC in September 2010, however, the ministry can operate all over the United States as well as foreign countries. W. L. Neill Ministries is the Parent Organization of several entities that will be under its umbrella. The goals and objectives as stated in the Articles of Incorporation, are to operate a Theological School, Housing Development Corporation, Community Development Corporation, Child Care Initiatives, Senior Citizens Care Initiatives, Economic Development Corporation, Cultural Arts and Talent Development Center, Martial and Family Enrichment Center, Prison Ministry and Re-entry Program, Second Chance Life Advancement School, and Music Production Company. Ministry is the focus of W. L. Neill Ministries, Inc. MINISTRY! Ministry is service!


The Ministry will also PLANT a church, a New Covenant Church that will follow an upward mission of reverence and praise; an inward mission of edification and encouragement; and an outward mission of bringing every available person, by every available means, at every available time to the point of hearing the Gospel message. The goal is to bring the new convert from hopelessness; from fear to faith; from lack to abundance; from a sinner to a believer; from the bondage of the law to GRACE; and from a knowledge of The Word of GOD to the DEMONSTRATION of the WORD of GOD.


The VISION of W. L. Neill Ministries outlines the Ministry strategies and resources that will use the goals set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, to accomplish its Vision! These strategies will create new communities of faith; develop faith-based services; prepare kingdom leaders for service in this present age; implement networking relationships to leverage financial resources for expansion, education, and evangelistic outreach.

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